Justifying This Blog For No Reason
Are my thoughts the product of my education? Of my time spent on the internet? I ask myself this every time I am tasked with writing anything more than a text. Do I have my own ideas anymore, or am I just regurgitating ideas that line up with my morals? I know my morals, I’m sure of that. I want everyone to live good lives, aside from the people who prevent people from living good lives. I don’t think people are inherently evil. I know that everyone deserves and, arguably more importantly, needs help from others. This is all fine and dandy, but are the details behind these morals my own? I sit here and I think of writing about topics like living as a woman or daddy issues or struggling to find community, and I find myself remembering a reading from 3 semesters ago or thinking back to a reel I saw on Instagram. With all of the information that is constantly being shoved into my face, I feel like I “know the answer” before I even have the chance to think about it. I absorb the information, and then I move on. None of the information I hold feels original. Maybe my brain has rotted. Maybe I need to think more critically. We see so much information everyday that things begin to look familiar, because they are! I think that this need for a perfect, innovative idea stops my ideas from fully forming, as I don’t give myself enough time because I feel like it’s already been done. So, I suppose that this blog is going to serve as a place for me to think things through. Whether the thoughts are fully developed or they just sprouted in my head, they’re going on here. It’s my jumping-off-place for using my brain, so that I can think instead of just listening. I’m getting back to the real world. I hope that you get some kind of amusement out of this blog, and if you read anything off of here and think, “I’ve heard this before”… know that I’m thinking the same goddamn thing.